Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Three Children Come Out of The Mold

The mold is a success! Here is the first Three Children statue to come out of the mold. This one is cast in concrete. Now it has to cure for a month before being sealed and put outside in it's final location.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Casting the Three Children

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Finished Mold for Three Children

Finishing the mold for the three children...
Here is the mold all put together after the last Plasti-Paste piece are applied.

Here is the beginning of taking the mold off the model - separating the pieces by finding and enlarging the cracks:

Here are all the pieces all taken apart:

Here is the slit cut in the inner mold:

And, here is the mold all put back together and ready for casting:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Half Way Thru the Mother Mother Mold

Here are pictures of the making of the first half of the mother mold for the Three Children.
Drawing the parting lines and making clay shims:

Clay shims all ready:

Three sections of Plasi-Paste mother mold applied, four to go:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three Children Brush-On Eurythane Mold

The Brush-On eurythane mold for the Three Children is complete. It needs to cure overnight, and tomorrow the rigid mother mold gets added on top.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here's the progress on the Visitation Armature. Note the Christ Child and St John the Baptist in-utero. =)

And,it turned out that the Three Children required some repair work prior to mold making; so, once again, I'll plan on starting the mold tomorrow. Here is one of the cracks. This is why a clay model needs an armature!

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Location:Mold Making Prep and Visitation Armature Progress

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today, photographs. I had intended to blog about the mold making process for the three children, but I did not in fact make the mold as there was an obligation to my landlord and a broken bike (my transportation to work) to attend to. Tomorrow, God willing, I will blog about the mold. So, in the few minutes I had to make a little art, here's what I did: took a few pictures of my beautiful home.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fixing Armature Proportions

Fixing proportions on the armatures for the Visitation.

And drawing in the garden. Cabbages.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't Use Steel Wire for an Armature

Today, I learn that aluminum wire works better than steel wire for armature wire. The reason why: It flexes a lot. Since I had purchased a lot of steel wire, I am going to make do. Here's photos of making armature wire and an armature.
Here's how it started.

And, here's how it ended.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Visitation Figure Armature the Garden Art Table

Here is the first armature for the Visitation.

ALSO, today I worked at the Frogtown community house and garden. We have a table in the garden for art making! While I was there, one of the neighbors was having a poetry recitation with her kids and another family. The garden is a happening place.

One of the girls even did some wire work with me and made a zoo.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mold Making and Visitation Armature

Prepped the downstairs studio for mold making for the Three Children. Since the plaster mold experiment did not work, I am going back to the brush-on eurythane mold. Ordered materials and rearranged the studio today.

Then, I started researching armatures for large human figure sculptures for the Visitation. Here's the armature materials. God willing, tomorrow I begin work on the armature.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Broken Mold

Took the Three Children mold off the model. 4 of the 7 pieces broke. Sad. Will probably try to remake those pieces.


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mold for Three Children Completed!

Here are pictures of the making of the Three Children mold. Tomorrow: taking the mold apart to see if it works...


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Monday, May 7, 2012

A Week to Go on Grandma's Pavers

Only 10 more pavers left to cast for Gma's garden. It will be my first installed paver project.

And, here's something pretty to look at: the garden and starts on the back porch.


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Friday, May 4, 2012

Three Children Ready for Mold Making

Here is the model of the Three Childen all ready to have its mold made.
Today working on getting casting and armature materials.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Three Children Model Finished

Done with the Three Children model! Forgot camera. Pictures later.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grapes and Wheat

Working on the area between the children on the three children.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012