It has been quite a week, and I completely forgot to blog for a few days.
All 45 pavers for Gma's garden have been cast. Yea! Finished the last four this week. Well, almost. One of them came out deformed. So, I'll recast that one, and then they are done.
The Visitation is coming along. More defining and refining the oil clay models. About 3/4 of the way done with the Mary statue, I think. My goal is to have it ready for mold making by July 7th.
Yesterday, I went to the Godtown house (my 2nd studio =) with the intention of working on Mary. Instead, I helped plant flowers for the first hour or so. They had received a big donation for the community garden. Hey, but it's all beauty, right? Not lost time at all.
This is the herb garden and the flowers and one of the volunteers.

Today, I got the opportunity to teach someone else the *fine art of mold making*. Here is Jess - aspiring mold maker. And, in the process, we made another paver mold. Here is Jess in the studio with the mold-in-progress.

Also, received some real encouragement from some of the fine folks at Starbucks who were interested in seeing my work. Sent them pictures.
There is other good stuff to report, but I'll leave that for another day.
It has been a good week. Deo gratias.